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White Mountain Award

White Mountain.jpg

Sponsoring Council

Orange County

Award Dimensions

4½“ Diameter


Summit White Mountain Peak in the White Mountain range east of the Sierras.

Map Link (where applicable)

External Reference (where applicable)

Detailed Requirements


This award was developed and sponsored by Troop 1210 (Foothills Church), Rancho Santa Margarita, California. California has 15 peaks over 14,000 feet, including 14,246 foot White Mountain located just north of the Bristlecone Pine Forest east of Owens Valley. Bristlecone Pines are the oldest living single organisms on the planet at over 4,000 years old. Located at the 12,470 foot level is the University of California White Mountain-Barcroft Research Station, where U.C. faculty and students in the biological and physical sciences conduct high altitude field research during the summer.


1. Climb and “summit” White Mountain in the Inyo-White Range.

2. If time allows and if permission is granted, visit the Barcroft Research Station (contact: Denise Waterbury-Scheduling Coordinator, White Mountain Research Station, 3000 East Line Street, Bishop, CA, 760-873-4344 and


1. Porcella SF and Burns CM: Climbing California’s Fourteeners. The Mountaineers, Seattle, WA, 1999. 2. Secor RJ: The High Sierra: Peaks, Passes and Trails, Third Edition. The Mountaineers, Seattle, WA, 2009. 3. White Mountain Research Station Website:

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