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Inland Empire

Mt. Baden Powell

Inland Empire

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2'' x 2''

Climb to the peak of Mt. Baden-Powell (9,399 ft.)

9 Peaks Honor Award

Inland Empire

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3½“ x 4½“

Climb the "Nine Peaks" of the San Gorgonio Massif in the following order: San Gorgonio (11,502'), Jepson (11,201'), Little Charlton (10,676'), Charlton (10,815'), Alta Diablo (10,430'), Shield's (10,701'), Anderson (10,864'), San Bernardino East (10,691'), and San Bernardino (10,624'). The trip may be done from San Bernardino peak to San Gorgonio peak if desired. There is no maximum time for the trip. However, it must be done as a single trip with no resupply.

De Anza Trail

Inland Empire

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3 ½'' x 3''

Backpack in the Anza Borrego wilderness.

Soaring Award

Inland Empire

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3'' Diameter

Take an orientation or instructional flight in a sailplane with a licensed glider pilot or flight instructor.

San Gabriel Trails Award & Segments

Inland Empire

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Main Patch: 3½'' x 3''; Segments: 3½'' x 1''

Backpack one or more nights on each of these trail segments in the San Gabriel mountains.

San Jacinto 50 Award

Inland Empire

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3'' x 3''

Backpack 50+ miles in the San Jacinto Wilderness.  Must also summit Black Mountain, San Jacinto Peak, and Tahquitz Peak.

San Gabriel Trails Medal

Inland Empire

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Earn all segments of the San Gabriel Trails Award.

3Ts Trail

Inland Empire

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3'' x 3''

Backpack and summit Timber peak (8303'), Telegraph peak (8985'), and Thunder peak (8587') in the Cucagmonga Wilderness.

Mt San Bernardino Peak

Inland Empire

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2'' x 2''

Summit Mt. San Bernardino Peak (10,649').

Hard Back Award

Inland Empire

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2'' x 2''

The purpose of this award is to encourage Scouts to learn and use Scouting Skills, rather than accept an easier way.

Mt San Antonio Peak Award

Inland Empire

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2'' x 2''

This award requires three separate hikes of 10 to 16 miles each, including a hike to the top of Mt. San Antonio (Mt. Baldy). 

Home Town Historic Sites

Inland Empire

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3'' x 3''

Plan and complete a hike of at least five (5) miles on foot or fifteen (15) miles by bicycle which includes a visit to at least 3” x 3” five (5) of the historic sites on your list.

Hiking Activity Award

Inland Empire

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2'' x 2'' patches

These awards were developed to encourage beginning hiking activities with advancement. They promote hiking and environmental awareness. The hikes can be completed within a day or over a weekend.

San Bernardino Trails Medal

Inland Empire

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Earn all segments of the San Bernardino Trails Award.

Weekend Canoeing

Inland Empire

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2“ x 2½“"

An overnight canoe trip to a waterside campsite of approximately 6-7 hours afloat. Distances can vary depending on current, and wind conditions, etc.

Colorado River 50-Miler

Inland Empire

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3'' Diameter

Travel any 50 mile stretch of the Colorado River in a canoe, unpowered boat, raft or other inflatable.

Penguin Club

Inland Empire

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3'' Diameter

Patch is earned by camping overnight in one of the local Council Camps: Emerson or Helendade.  The campout must be in snow and the unit may use tents or erect temporary shelters. NO CABINS.

San Bernardino Trails Award & Segments

Inland Empire

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Main Patch: 3 1/2'' x 3''; Segments: 3 1/2'' x 1''

Backpack one or more nights on each of these trail segments in the San Bernardino mountains.

Cycling Awards

Inland Empire

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1 1/4'' Diameter

Ride a bicycle the various distances of these awards.

National Forest Hiking Awards

Inland Empire

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Main Patch: 3½'' x 3''; Segments: 3 1/2'' x 1''

The former Old Baldy Council (presently CIEC) High Adventure Team developed this award for units who enjoy camping and exploring our national forests, but do not necessarily participate in backpacking.

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