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Verdugo Hills Council

Tom Marrs Urban Award

Verdugo Hills Council

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This award has been developed in honor of Thomas Marrs, Eagle Scout and respected long-time leader and teacher of high adventure. He often noted: "High Adventure is any event or trip away from the regular meeting place!" and felt it was important for Scouts to develop an understanding of their local community and its history.

Flashing Paddles Award

Verdugo Hills Council

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Complete four (4) or more water based outings in a 12 month period. One of the required outings shall be a long term outing of 5 or more nights.

Silver Fir Trail

Verdugo Hills Council

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4” x 4”

Backpack 2+ nights on trails near the Camp Silver Fir in the Western Sierras, east of Fresno/Clovis.

Patrick Aubuchon Conservation Award

Verdugo Hills Council

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2” X 2”

This award was developed in honor of Patrick Aubuchon, long-time leader and teacher of high adventure. He introduced many Scouts and leaders to backpacking, conservation and trail boss activities, and was awarded the BSA's William T Hornaday Gold Medal.

Earn either the Dinkey Lakes Loop Trail Award or the Silver Fir Trail Award, and make a presentation about outdoor ethics and the HornadayAward.

Backpacking Experience

Verdugo Hills Council

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This award is for an extended weekend Backpacking trip of at least 3 days and 2 nights. There is no limitation on where it can be earned.

Dinkey Loops Trail

Verdugo Hills Council

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Backpack the Dinkey Lakes Loop over the course of 5+ days in the Western Sierras.  Trailhead location is near Shaver Lake, east of Fresno/Clovis.

Leave No Trace Award

Verdugo Hills Council

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4” Dia W/Segments

The purpose of this HAT Award is to assist Leaders in developing and fostering the principles of "Leave No Trace" in their Outdoor program. There are seven segments in the award and a center patch designed to create a deeper understanding of each of the seven Leave No Trace principles and to encourage Leaders to apply these principles to activities in the Outdoors. This award may be earned by Cub Scouts, Den Chiefs, Boy Scouts, Venturers, Brownies, Girls Scouts and appropriate Adult Leaders.

High Adventure First Aid

Verdugo Hills Council

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Complete the Verdugo Hill’s Council 60 hour High Adventure First Aid Course.

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