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Location:  Deserts (Mojave, Joshua Tree, Death Valley, etc)

Pacific Crest Trail Award (PCT)

Orange County

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Hike and backpack the PCT.

Red Rock Canyon -Mojave Desert Award

Western Los Angeles County Council

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4” x 3”

Camp at least one night in Red Rock Canyon State Park or somewhere else in the Mojave Desert.

Ghost Towns

Las Vegas Area Council

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1" x 3"

This segment can be earned by hiking into 3 Ghost Towns in the Basin and Range area.

Desert Backpack Award

San Diego - Imperial

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3'' x 3''

Complete an overnight backpack of 7-1/2 hours scheduled backpack time in 2 consecutive days, camping at least 1-1/2 hours scheduled backpack time from both the trail head and the pick-up point in the Mojave or Sonoran Deserts.

High Low Award

Orange County

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4'' x 3''

Climb and summit Mt. Whitney in addition to camping in Death Valley and visiting Bad Water Basin, the lowest point in the United States.

Telescope Peak Award

Orange County

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5'' Diameter

Summit Telescope Peak in Death Valley National Park.

Hiking Activity Award

Inland Empire

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2'' x 2'' patches

These awards were developed to encourage beginning hiking activities with advancement. They promote hiking and environmental awareness. The hikes can be completed within a day or over a weekend.

Southern California Historic Trails Triple Crown Medal

San Diego - Imperial

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Earn all three of the following High Adventure Awards

• US Mormon Battalion Trail Award

• El Camino Real Award

• De Anza Trail Award

Mojave National Preserve

Las Vegas Area Council

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1" x 3"

Any of the following hikes may be taken to qualify for the MOJAVE NATIONAL PRESERVE SEGMENT. Information may be found in Mojave National Preserve, a Visitors Guide, by Olympic Press, or pamphlets, maps, and books from the National Park Service.

Death Valley National Park

Las Vegas Area Council

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1" x 3"

Any of the following hikes may be taken to qualify for the GREAT BASIN SEGMENT. Information may be found in Backpacking Death Valley, by Chuck Gebhardt, or pamphlets, maps, and books from the National Park Service at Death Valley or the Death Valley Natural History Association. Always check in at the Visitors Center for local conditions before starting out.

Camelback Awards

San Diego - Imperial

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Take a Backpack along any existing section of the California Riding & Hiking Trail in Southern California, in the Cuyamaca Rancho State Park, the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park or in the Cleveland National Forest.

Death Valley Cycling 50-Miler Award

Orange County

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5'' Diameter

Research and plan and ride a cycling route of approximately 50 miles (plus or minus 5 miles) in Death Valley National Park.

Wilderness Slot Canyoneering Award

Orange County

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Main Patch: 3'' x 4''; Segment Patches: 3'' x 1''

Successfully complete a slot canyoneering trek.

Pacific Crest Trail San Diego Segments

San Diego - Imperial

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Complete a 15+ mile overnight backpack on any of the following San Diego County segments

Mojave Desert

Las Vegas Area Council

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3" x 3"

Any of the following hikes may be taken to qualify for the MOJAVE DESERT SEGMENT. The canoe trip does not require the backpack portion of this requirement, but does require an adult with a current CPR card and one night camping at a remote site near the river. Information may be found in pamphlets, maps, and books from the National Park Service and other books. Always check in at the Visitors Centerfor local conditions before starting out.

106-Miler Backpacking Medal

Orange County

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Backpack and hike 106 cumulative miles over the course of multiple scouting events.  

The purpose of this medal is to motivate scouts who are relatively early in their scouting career with backpacking & hiking.  Mileage over the course of several trips quickly adds up, and before too long a scout will be able to proudly wear this "bling" on their uniform.  

Why 106 miles?  It is half the distance of the iconic John Muir Trail in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, symbolizing the scout's achievement and also the fact that many more adventures still await!

Peak Bagger Award

Greater Los Angeles

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Summit peaks above 10,000; earned in cumulative amounts of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25.

Boy Scout Trail Award

Orange County

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5'' Diameter

Backpack the Boy Scout Trail in Joshua Tree National Park, entering from either Indian Cove (2,840 feet) or Keys West (4,040 feet).  

De Anza Trail

Inland Empire

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3 ½'' x 3''

Backpack in the Anza Borrego wilderness.

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